Kleinmaier State Nature Preserve

32 acre Dedicated State Nature Preserve with a Large Population of Great Rhododendron

The Kleinmaier State Nature Preserve (SNP) consists of 32 acres in a small valley with unique geology, spring and summer wildflowers, and a mature forest. The valley is ringed by spectacular outcrops of Black Hand sandstone.


The property was donated to AOA by the heirs of Bertram and Josephine Kleinmaier and has been dedicated as a State Nature Preserve by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.


The property is a treasured natural area which is a component of the nearby Rhododendron Cove State Nature Preserve. Both preserves include large populations of the State listed Great Rhododendron which covers many of the rock outcrops. Peak bloom of this rhododendron typically occurs in late June or early July. 


A diverse community of wildflowers is located on the Preserve including the Ohio orchids: pink lady slipper, rattlesnake plantain, large whorled pogonia and cranefly orchid. Other significant plant species in the Preserve include partridgeberry, striped wintergreen, Indian pipe, walking fern and the State listed Flame Azalea. The locally rare, swamp saxifrage grows in association with a dense forest of skunk cabbage in a spring on the Preserve.


Stewardship work on the Preserve includes removal of garlic mustard and other invasives by AOA work parties which has taken place at the property annually since the year 2009.