Shelly Lakes Preserve

8.8- and 36-acre Quarry Lakes and 1.1 Miles of Hocking River Riparian Corridor

AOA acquired the 112-acre Shelly Lakes property from Shelly Materials, Inc. This site is located on Business Highway 33 south of
Lancaster in Fairfield County along the Hocking River. This new Preserve will protect 1.1 miles of Hocking River riparian corridor, while enhancing water quality and aquatic habitat. Most of the property lies within the Hocking River designated floodplain.


The property was historically mined for sand and gravel, resulting in two quarry lakes on the site. The southern quarry lake is 8.8 acres and the northern lake is 36 acres. As the site was quarried, the river channel was constricted by levees that protected the quarry operations but cut off the river from its natural floodplain. 


AOA plans to make hydrologic improvements to the 36-acre quarry lake by constructing two large breaches through the levee at the upstream and downstream ends.  These breaches will channel floodwaters through the 36-acre lake and the reconnected floodplain.  This will allow the filtration and removal of nonpoint source pollutants and will expand the floodplain retention capacity.   The proposed improvements will improve and protect downstream water quality in the Hocking River.  


The project is receiving H2Ohio funding and design and construction work will be completed in cooperation with the ODNR, Division of Wildlife.