Lamb Preserve

68-acre parcel located on the west side of Big Darby Creek between Circleville and Darbyville

The Lamb Preserve is a 68-acre parcel located on the west side of Big Darby Creek between Circleville and Darbyville. The acquisition of this property protected over 2,300 linear feet of riparian corridor along Big Darby Creek and another 2,400 linear feet of tributary stream.  


The Lamb Preserve features steep, forested ravines with numerous wildflowers in the spring. AOA holds a wildflower walk at this site each spring to observe the white trout lilies, bloodroot, harbinger of spring, hepatica, drooping trillium, and other early wildflowers in bloom. The property is known for thousands of white trout lilies blooming in late March or early April and for the drooping trillium (Trillium flexipes).


AOA removed many acres of invasive bush honeysuckle from this Preserve in the year 2021. This should make the wildflower displays even more exciting in the years to come.

Erythronium albidum Lamb Preserve